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Here we are, time to start checking in.

The doors are open and the hoi  polloi are on their way in. 

Paul is already here, I have visited occasionally, so who’s going arrive next and will they slip their boots off at the door?

  • Just to add that we can increase the overall edit time allowance too. 15 minutes was just an initial marker in the sand so to speak. We've always said if members of this community feel that we need to increase the time frame then we'll take a look at it and adjust appropriately.

    As Andy says though, being able to completely alter the context of your post indefinitely can and does derail the trail of conversation and isn't considered best practice or good forum etiquette...

    Mods can always edit posts though so if something really needs to be edited outside of the edit time window then just let us know! 

  • Just to add that we can increase the overall edit time allowance too. 15 minutes was just an initial marker in the sand so to speak. We've always said if members of this community feel that we need to increase the time frame then we'll take a look at it and adjust appropriately.

    As Andy says though, being able to completely alter the context of your post indefinitely can and does derail the trail of conversation and isn't considered best practice or good forum etiquette...

    Mods can always edit posts though so if something really needs to be edited outside of the edit time window then just let us know! 

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