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Here we are, time to start checking in.

The doors are open and the hoi  polloi are on their way in. 

Paul is already here, I have visited occasionally, so who’s going arrive next and will they slip their boots off at the door?


  • Andrew Betteridge:

    Okay, there’s a “Date button” at the top of the first reply which allows you to reverse the date order of the replies, which may confuse things a bit.

    Andy B.

    Hi Andy

    Some forum users like to read topic threads through oldest to newest replies but some prefer to have the newest replies at the top instead. Being able to switch the date order between the two (depending on your own personal preference) is very useful. wink



  • Andrew Betteridge:

    Okay, there’s a “Date button” at the top of the first reply which allows you to reverse the date order of the replies, which may confuse things a bit.

    Andy B.

    Hi Andy

    Some forum users like to read topic threads through oldest to newest replies but some prefer to have the newest replies at the top instead. Being able to switch the date order between the two (depending on your own personal preference) is very useful. wink


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