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So how many BS1362 fuses do you get for seventy quid?

Audiophile plug fuses on Ebay 

I'm over run with the ordinary 13-amp fuses and end up throwing them away! Is that for a single fuse?

Andy B.


  • Beard Weird:

    Hi Andy, sorry I wasn't being serious, though I know you were quite fond of the consumer goods section! :D

    I thought you made a good point - we don't necessarily need to go that detailed but we should at least have a general "technical discussions other than W&R" forum!


  • Beard Weird:

    Hi Andy, sorry I wasn't being serious, though I know you were quite fond of the consumer goods section! :D

    I thought you made a good point - we don't necessarily need to go that detailed but we should at least have a general "technical discussions other than W&R" forum!

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