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Smart meter diatribe

What does the panel think about this?

Smart meter scam?

I'm interested in a professional qualified view as this character is pretty ruthless regarding the energy suppliers

  • Yes, but he makes a case that many others have suggested, including WHICH lobying group. he doesn't actually mention either SMETS1 or 2 but apparently the earlier version was/is easily hackable and non-transferable between different energy companies.

    I too got 7/8ths through before being dragged away to dinner.

  • Yes, but he makes a case that many others have suggested, including WHICH lobying group. he doesn't actually mention either SMETS1 or 2 but apparently the earlier version was/is easily hackable and non-transferable between different energy companies.

    I too got 7/8ths through before being dragged away to dinner.

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