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Smart meter diatribe

What does the panel think about this?

Smart meter scam?

I'm interested in a professional qualified view as this character is pretty ruthless regarding the energy suppliers


  • Why should insurance companies be concerned one wonders and possibily implies that we have a new digital asbestos in the wings !

    The moment the 'no win no fee' claim companies realised that the suppliers have taken out insurance, there would be adverts all over the press and daytime TV.  "Had a new smart meter fitted?  Feeling unwell?  You could have a claim!".  At any given time, there will be many hundreds of thousands of people across the country feeling poorly for some reason or another.  if only a small proportion of them can be convinced that the smart meter did it, then there could be thousands of insurance claims put in.

    PPI claims are coming to an end soon.  The ambulance chasers need something new to move into.

  • Why should insurance companies be concerned one wonders and possibily implies that we have a new digital asbestos in the wings !

    The moment the 'no win no fee' claim companies realised that the suppliers have taken out insurance, there would be adverts all over the press and daytime TV.  "Had a new smart meter fitted?  Feeling unwell?  You could have a claim!".  At any given time, there will be many hundreds of thousands of people across the country feeling poorly for some reason or another.  if only a small proportion of them can be convinced that the smart meter did it, then there could be thousands of insurance claims put in.

    PPI claims are coming to an end soon.  The ambulance chasers need something new to move into.
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