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Smart meter diatribe

What does the panel think about this?

Smart meter scam?

I'm interested in a professional qualified view as this character is pretty ruthless regarding the energy suppliers


  • Did I make the wrong call to decline the smart meter?  

    I don't know. How would you feel if your supplier introduces a 'free electricity on Saturday or Sunday' tariff, or the next washing machine you buy comes with an option to delay start until the cost per kWh drops below a certain level or your new electric car has an option to sell a few kWh back to the grid at very attractive prices at certain times. Will you feel like you're missing out?

      - Andy.

  • Did I make the wrong call to decline the smart meter?  

    I don't know. How would you feel if your supplier introduces a 'free electricity on Saturday or Sunday' tariff, or the next washing machine you buy comes with an option to delay start until the cost per kWh drops below a certain level or your new electric car has an option to sell a few kWh back to the grid at very attractive prices at certain times. Will you feel like you're missing out?

      - Andy.
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