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Smart meter diatribe

What does the panel think about this?

Smart meter scam?

I'm interested in a professional qualified view as this character is pretty ruthless regarding the energy suppliers


  • Andrew Jewsbury:

    Did I make the wrong call to decline the smart meter?  

    I don't know. How would you feel if your supplier introduces a 'free electricity on Saturday or Sunday' tariff, or the next washing machine you buy comes with an option to delay start until the cost per kWh drops below a certain level or your new electric car has an option to sell a few kWh back to the grid at very attractive prices at certain times. Will you feel like you're missing out?

      - Andy.


    Well, that's a lovely utopian theory. where we become mini industialists partaking in the grand scheme of selling and being sold the dream. That will be very generous of the electrical suppliers to give their hard earned electrical researched enegy away while our brains are frying through the microwaves bouncing off the metalwork.

    I wonder if anybody has done any research into combinations of multitudes of different electromagnetic waves criss crossing through the human body simultaneously?



  • Andrew Jewsbury:

    Did I make the wrong call to decline the smart meter?  

    I don't know. How would you feel if your supplier introduces a 'free electricity on Saturday or Sunday' tariff, or the next washing machine you buy comes with an option to delay start until the cost per kWh drops below a certain level or your new electric car has an option to sell a few kWh back to the grid at very attractive prices at certain times. Will you feel like you're missing out?

      - Andy.


    Well, that's a lovely utopian theory. where we become mini industialists partaking in the grand scheme of selling and being sold the dream. That will be very generous of the electrical suppliers to give their hard earned electrical researched enegy away while our brains are frying through the microwaves bouncing off the metalwork.

    I wonder if anybody has done any research into combinations of multitudes of different electromagnetic waves criss crossing through the human body simultaneously?


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