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RCD Protection to existing lighting circuits vs 18th edition

Good day all,

I have a client who wishes to replace lighting within the building and the simple question I have is do I have to allow for RCD protection for altered circuits as per 18th edition or can I omit the RCD as we can treat it as retrofit? We have an old type of the fuseboard so I would need to allow for separate enclosure fitted with RCDs. Cheers everyone!

  • May I suggest that you read BS7671 411.3.4 that states that all circuits supplying luminares will be protected by 30mA RCDs.

    As BS7671 is an aid to design and not a statutory instrument it maybe argued that lighting circuits already in exsistance were exempt and that work carried out on exsisting circuits might also be exempt. Now that would probably depend on the amount and type of work to be employed on those circuits.

    Change of a lamp or fitting that conformed to its present class might not require additional RCD protection but adding new cabling that in effect changes its circuit design may well reuire updating.


  • 411.3.4 that states that all circuits supplying luminares will be protected by 30mA RCDs.

    But only for in domestic (household) premises. If it's anything else (commercial etc) then there's no change from the 17th.

    I'd suggest that any new work covered by BS 7671 should be done under the current regulations - e.g. adding new lights using extra cabling etc - then at least the new work should have 30mA RCD protection (if domestic). Simply replacing a light fitting with a new one like-for-like without altering the existing cabling I'd suggest wouldn't require any of the existing circuit to be upgraded (but a note under the comments on the existing installation on the certificate, if you elect to issue one, would be reasonable). In any event it's worth offering the customer the option to upgrade to latest standards, if it can be done relatively easily.

      - Andy.
  • Thank you chaps for your comments. This is a commercial premises where there is an existing cabling already and we are going to replace lights like for like so no extra cabling as well. I think my confusion came from putting RCD on all light circuits on domestic installations in 18th edition and I mixed it up with commercial, thanks for clarification and help!