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BICC or BS7671 comply for design

Hello IET guys 

I have a problem where a cable installed on site doesn't comply to Bs7671 current  carrying capacity for underground cable reference method D 

the engineer who design the cable used amtech and data from bicc with reference method 110. 

Dose bicc comply? As its old data for cables install in any country from what I can see. I would have thought bs7671 design must be used? 

  • Anthony

    You need rather more information than that. What is the value of the fuse or breaker protecting the cable? What is the maximum possible load current? What is the circuit feeding? What surrounds the duct? What environment is around the ladder? What terminates this cable at each end?

    All of these affect the cable rating and possible working temperature, and therefore current rating.


  • Anthony

    You need rather more information than that. What is the value of the fuse or breaker protecting the cable? What is the maximum possible load current? What is the circuit feeding? What surrounds the duct? What environment is around the ladder? What terminates this cable at each end?

    All of these affect the cable rating and possible working temperature, and therefore current rating.


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