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Notre Dame fire

Former Community Member
Former Community Member
  • Either way there is a lot more to this than a f** end or a short circuit.

    Anyone who has tried to light a fire knows that it is very difficult unless you have some tinder, (easily lit material), then some small flammable material like twigs, then some larger flammable stuff. All this needs to be alight and in some quantity before you have a chance of getting a beam the size of a roof timber to catch fire.
  • Either way there is a lot more to this than a f** end or a short circuit.

    Anyone who has tried to light a fire knows that it is very difficult unless you have some tinder, (easily lit material), then some small flammable material like twigs, then some larger flammable stuff. All this needs to be alight and in some quantity before you have a chance of getting a beam the size of a roof timber to catch fire.
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