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Passing cables through joists

I know that this has been discussed in the old forum, but I have been pondering the subject over the past couple of days.

I am more than happy to respect the exclusion zones at the ends and in the middle of joists (Electrician's Guide to the Building Regulations); but it seems odd that cables which are passed through joists must go through notches in the zone between 0.07 - 0.25 times the span, and holes in the 0.25 - 0.40 zone.

In essence, despite the removal of a substantial amount of material, the upper joist in my diagram is acceptable, but the 16 mm hole in the lower one is not.


It seems to me that any risk to the cable is much lower in holes than notches; and of course, if plumbers have already occupied the notch zone, there isn't much choice.

In order to remove and replace cablies descending to sockets below, I need to lift the second board in from the wall; but it would be a real PITA to have to lift another board (especially if tongue and groove) closer to the centre of the room particularly because there isn't much working space unless the furniture is removed.

I have no intention of placing holes below notches, but will the house fall down if I don't follow the Guide? ?
  • I see that you miss the important thing Andy, and that is not breaking load but floor stiffness. BTW I assure you that Engineers do understand structures, whereas the others tend to follow various rules, a bit like the OSG! If you stand on a floor with 600 mm spacing between the chipboard sheets you will notice that it moves significantly as you move, and you may be able to crack the chipboard by jumping up and down or add heavy items carelessly like a bed or big bookcase with small leg diameter. Next time you have one handy get a scaffold board and support it either end on a couple of bricks. Stand in the middle and note the deflection (several inches). The board does not break but is reasonably close. A floor joist could have a similar deflection without breaking but they are much stiffer, so that the deflection is reasonable. Some modern designs have very poor floor stiffness and it is horrible, but then it saves a few quid. Now you should understand the design criterion. I prefer concrete floors upstairs because as well as the stiffness they have much better sound insulation, but again it is a matter of a few pound notes rather than ultimate building quality.

    BTW you might like to try drilling a few holes in a beam on the centre line and verify that it makes little difference to the stiffness or deflection, a useful lesson.
  • I see that you miss the important thing Andy, and that is not breaking load but floor stiffness. BTW I assure you that Engineers do understand structures, whereas the others tend to follow various rules, a bit like the OSG! If you stand on a floor with 600 mm spacing between the chipboard sheets you will notice that it moves significantly as you move, and you may be able to crack the chipboard by jumping up and down or add heavy items carelessly like a bed or big bookcase with small leg diameter. Next time you have one handy get a scaffold board and support it either end on a couple of bricks. Stand in the middle and note the deflection (several inches). The board does not break but is reasonably close. A floor joist could have a similar deflection without breaking but they are much stiffer, so that the deflection is reasonable. Some modern designs have very poor floor stiffness and it is horrible, but then it saves a few quid. Now you should understand the design criterion. I prefer concrete floors upstairs because as well as the stiffness they have much better sound insulation, but again it is a matter of a few pound notes rather than ultimate building quality.

    BTW you might like to try drilling a few holes in a beam on the centre line and verify that it makes little difference to the stiffness or deflection, a useful lesson.
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