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BS 7288 rcd Sockets outlets and additional protection

Hi all,

Can anyone confirm that BS7288 rcd Socket outlets were accidentally left out as of bs7671 as suitable for additional protection and are going to be in the update? Or perhaps provide a reason as why they have been omitted?

  • Officially I think we're still in the dark.

    Some members of this Forum who I know are also on some of the committees involved seem to indicate that the decison to leave BS 7288 devices off the list was deliberate (and perhaps influenced by some poorly chosen words in BS 7288 itself).

    However there have been some other credible reports that JPEL/64 intend to add BS 7288 onto the list in a future amendment - although it has been noted that they didn't take the opportunity to do so in the most recent amendment that's currently being processed - despite this issue being raised quite a while ago.

    Some trade bodies have expressed the opinion that BS 7288 devices are suitable, but their use in a new installation should be recorded on the certificate as a devation from BS 7671.

    So my personal suspicion is that they will likely appear in a future amendment of BS 7671 (possibly accompanied or preceeded by an corrigendum/amendment to BS 7288) - whether that amendment will place and limitations on the use of BS 7288 devices or which particular version of the standard they need to comply with, is as yet unknown.

       - Andy,
  • Officially I think we're still in the dark.

    Some members of this Forum who I know are also on some of the committees involved seem to indicate that the decison to leave BS 7288 devices off the list was deliberate (and perhaps influenced by some poorly chosen words in BS 7288 itself).

    However there have been some other credible reports that JPEL/64 intend to add BS 7288 onto the list in a future amendment - although it has been noted that they didn't take the opportunity to do so in the most recent amendment that's currently being processed - despite this issue being raised quite a while ago.

    Some trade bodies have expressed the opinion that BS 7288 devices are suitable, but their use in a new installation should be recorded on the certificate as a devation from BS 7671.

    So my personal suspicion is that they will likely appear in a future amendment of BS 7671 (possibly accompanied or preceeded by an corrigendum/amendment to BS 7288) - whether that amendment will place and limitations on the use of BS 7288 devices or which particular version of the standard they need to comply with, is as yet unknown.

       - Andy,
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