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BS 7288 rcd Sockets outlets and additional protection

Hi all,

Can anyone confirm that BS7288 rcd Socket outlets were accidentally left out as of bs7671 as suitable for additional protection and are going to be in the update? Or perhaps provide a reason as why they have been omitted?

  • BS 7288 stipulates that SRCDs provide supplementary protection, but that additional protection must be provided upstream.

    The installer is entitled to abide by the letter of BS 7671. Another contractor may take a different view.

    I feel certain that there has been no error.

    FWIW, my view is that your proposal is entirely sound even if it does not comply.
  • BS 7288 stipulates that SRCDs provide supplementary protection, but that additional protection must be provided upstream.

    The installer is entitled to abide by the letter of BS 7671. Another contractor may take a different view.

    I feel certain that there has been no error.

    FWIW, my view is that your proposal is entirely sound even if it does not comply.
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