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Cable ladder bonding


Saw this recently on site, there is a bond across every cable ladder joint. I do not believe that this is necessary as this is not an exposed-conductive-part or an extraneous-conductive-part. Am I right? 

  • This is just a length of ladder in a plantroom carrying armoured cables. It is not extraneous, it is not used as a CPC. My thought was that the braiding is superfluous and your responses give me heart that I am not alone.?

    ..and yet almost every specification I see calls for it...


    Mine don't - except where the containment system has deliberate fishplate joints for variable angles to be adopted, where the ladder or tray may be discontinuous and where I actually wan to introduce a bond (if the containment is extraneous)

    Glad to hear it. Sadly, almost every specification I see does, and these are specs from big multinational companies.

    Thanks for your input everybody.

  • This is just a length of ladder in a plantroom carrying armoured cables. It is not extraneous, it is not used as a CPC. My thought was that the braiding is superfluous and your responses give me heart that I am not alone.?

    ..and yet almost every specification I see calls for it...


    Mine don't - except where the containment system has deliberate fishplate joints for variable angles to be adopted, where the ladder or tray may be discontinuous and where I actually wan to introduce a bond (if the containment is extraneous)

    Glad to hear it. Sadly, almost every specification I see does, and these are specs from big multinational companies.

    Thanks for your input everybody.

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