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Capillary Action in Cables.

Has anyone any real life examples of this causing problems please?

  • Mike,

    No need to worry about hazardous vapours as the mounting of the searchlight is right at the prow, forward of any hazardous areas, though to further solve the problem very few tankers (possibly none) are allowed passage through Suez. These two conflicting requirements were seen by us on the ships as a way of guaranteeing that they would be able to hire out the searchlights they had in store as there would always be at least one regulation that was not met.
  • Mike,

    No need to worry about hazardous vapours as the mounting of the searchlight is right at the prow, forward of any hazardous areas, though to further solve the problem very few tankers (possibly none) are allowed passage through Suez. These two conflicting requirements were seen by us on the ships as a way of guaranteeing that they would be able to hire out the searchlights they had in store as there would always be at least one regulation that was not met.
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