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Regulation 522.8.5 stating that its requirements for the support of cables and conductors are also applicable to consumer unit meter tails.

Regulation 522.8.5 stating that its requirements for the support of cables and conductors are also applicable to consumer unit meter tails.

So what types of clips are we to use, metal cleats?



  • I have observed the use of S.W.A. cleats around short lengths of meter tails, even by the official meter installers/changers. It stops wiggle and the chance of the tails coming loose in the p. poor clamp terminals of main switches or R.C.D.s presumably. It comes to something when we have to secure the meter tails to stop the conductors coming loose in electrical terminals. Bring back the double screw tunnel terminals I say, they were much more reliable at main switches etc.

  • I have observed the use of S.W.A. cleats around short lengths of meter tails, even by the official meter installers/changers. It stops wiggle and the chance of the tails coming loose in the p. poor clamp terminals of main switches or R.C.D.s presumably. It comes to something when we have to secure the meter tails to stop the conductors coming loose in electrical terminals. Bring back the double screw tunnel terminals I say, they were much more reliable at main switches etc.

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