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Charging your phone in the bathroom.

Is it really a good idea to charge your phone and keep it handy on the side of the bath tub at the same time?


  • Lisa Miles:

    Oooh... okay here's a serious question for you...

    I'm a member of a local health spa and go swimming twice a week. You're not allowed to use your mobile phones whilst in the spa for reasons of privacy (it's written in the T&C's of membership). I have complained to the management on a couple of occasions when I've been witness to a guest using Facetime with her husband and children whilst in the female changing room (it's one open changing room without cubicles) ? and another guest  taking photos of herself and her friends again in the changing room and surrounded by other ladies in various states of undress. Highly inappropriate... 

    Sounds rather like voyeurism to me. Legal definition here.

    In the days before smart 'phones, would anybody have regarded it as being acceptable to take a camera into a changing room? ??


  • Lisa Miles:

    Oooh... okay here's a serious question for you...

    I'm a member of a local health spa and go swimming twice a week. You're not allowed to use your mobile phones whilst in the spa for reasons of privacy (it's written in the T&C's of membership). I have complained to the management on a couple of occasions when I've been witness to a guest using Facetime with her husband and children whilst in the female changing room (it's one open changing room without cubicles) ? and another guest  taking photos of herself and her friends again in the changing room and surrounded by other ladies in various states of undress. Highly inappropriate... 

    Sounds rather like voyeurism to me. Legal definition here.

    In the days before smart 'phones, would anybody have regarded it as being acceptable to take a camera into a changing room? ??

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