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Mains frequency

Just checked the dynamic demand site and the frequency was down to around49.7 cycles almost down to the lower legal limit never seen that before

  • mapj1:

    Well round here there are fields of the damn things springing up on every 1000 sq meter scrap of  land that would be too rough to plough and cannot get planning permission for a housing estate.

    Well, that may be the best use of the land. Around here, a parcel of land has been isolated by the creation of a new road, but on the other side of the road there is already a solar farm. More panels may be somewhat unsightly, but they certainly beat the prospect of extra traffic which would negate the benefits of the new road.


  • mapj1:

    Well round here there are fields of the damn things springing up on every 1000 sq meter scrap of  land that would be too rough to plough and cannot get planning permission for a housing estate.

    Well, that may be the best use of the land. Around here, a parcel of land has been isolated by the creation of a new road, but on the other side of the road there is already a solar farm. More panels may be somewhat unsightly, but they certainly beat the prospect of extra traffic which would negate the benefits of the new road.

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