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Funny Job Description........

This is an extract from a well know job agency..........

… candidates have come from various backgrounds across the UK to retrain as a qualified Electrician. You can choose to study to become a Domestic Electrician or a Professional Electrician.

I thought I'd just put that little clanger out there...................very funny.

Kind Regards

  • Legh - like me - you're so busy - its day time TV..........I saw that 2 week wonder too.

    He did stress it was a very intensive course though, like really intensive............stressful stuff.

    (I can only assume that he knew something about electrics before hand?)
  • Legh - like me - you're so busy - its day time TV..........I saw that 2 week wonder too.

    He did stress it was a very intensive course though, like really intensive............stressful stuff.

    (I can only assume that he knew something about electrics before hand?)
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