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Funny Job Description........

This is an extract from a well know job agency..........

… candidates have come from various backgrounds across the UK to retrain as a qualified Electrician. You can choose to study to become a Domestic Electrician or a Professional Electrician.

I thought I'd just put that little clanger out there...................very funny.

Kind Regards

  • Well if there was an 'unprofessional electrician' qualification created, there are a few folk out there whose work may qualify them for it. 

    At the weekend I put my head into the ceiling floor void between a flat we have recently bought and the floor of the flat above.  I then withdrew it again pretty smartly.

    The gap is about 2 feet, more or less in places, as neither the floor above or our ceiling are exactly flat.

    Wiring that supplies the upstairs flat dangles down in loops like festoon onto our ceiling, wiring for our flat is snaking over, under and between it, then later some red fire alarm cable going nowhere but to a JB and then coming back has been pushed through the lot, lots of dangling cut ends, fortunately  most seem to be dead, comprising off-cuts and tails of  every type of cable type from about 1900 wiring to present day seems to be in evidence. Oh and the submains that feed the flat seem to be 16m TnE with the reduced earth with no particular route taken.

    I'm sure the contractors to the freeholders when the flats were first fitted out were suitably cheap...
  • Well if there was an 'unprofessional electrician' qualification created, there are a few folk out there whose work may qualify them for it. 

    At the weekend I put my head into the ceiling floor void between a flat we have recently bought and the floor of the flat above.  I then withdrew it again pretty smartly.

    The gap is about 2 feet, more or less in places, as neither the floor above or our ceiling are exactly flat.

    Wiring that supplies the upstairs flat dangles down in loops like festoon onto our ceiling, wiring for our flat is snaking over, under and between it, then later some red fire alarm cable going nowhere but to a JB and then coming back has been pushed through the lot, lots of dangling cut ends, fortunately  most seem to be dead, comprising off-cuts and tails of  every type of cable type from about 1900 wiring to present day seems to be in evidence. Oh and the submains that feed the flat seem to be 16m TnE with the reduced earth with no particular route taken.

    I'm sure the contractors to the freeholders when the flats were first fitted out were suitably cheap...
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