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Funny Job Description........

This is an extract from a well know job agency..........

… candidates have come from various backgrounds across the UK to retrain as a qualified Electrician. You can choose to study to become a Domestic Electrician or a Professional Electrician.

I thought I'd just put that little clanger out there...................very funny.

Kind Regards


  • OMS:

    I still see things like the distinction between 3 phase and single phase being used as differentiators by some in the trade, and even the IET seem to be creating this "two tier" arrangement by means of specific regulations that only apply to domestics.

    I see 3 phase up to 100 A per phase as being akin to domestic, although granted it could be light commercial (a shop) or light industrial (e.g. a small joinery workshop). 2394/5 included 3-phase, so I reckon that I can get involved with it. Anything bigger, no.


  • OMS:

    I still see things like the distinction between 3 phase and single phase being used as differentiators by some in the trade, and even the IET seem to be creating this "two tier" arrangement by means of specific regulations that only apply to domestics.

    I see 3 phase up to 100 A per phase as being akin to domestic, although granted it could be light commercial (a shop) or light industrial (e.g. a small joinery workshop). 2394/5 included 3-phase, so I reckon that I can get involved with it. Anything bigger, no.

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