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Funny Job Description........

This is an extract from a well know job agency..........

… candidates have come from various backgrounds across the UK to retrain as a qualified Electrician. You can choose to study to become a Domestic Electrician or a Professional Electrician.

I thought I'd just put that little clanger out there...................very funny.

Kind Regards

  • the building sounds like fun. Large voids probably deserve a fire detection mechanism of their own then, especially if in addition to cut live ends,  they also include sources of ignition like a cooker....

    You remind me that we also need an 'unprofessional plumber' qualification, for those chaps fitting uphill drains and air locking hot water pipes.

    Nearer London someone would be renting that void out as another room.

  • the building sounds like fun. Large voids probably deserve a fire detection mechanism of their own then, especially if in addition to cut live ends,  they also include sources of ignition like a cooker....

    You remind me that we also need an 'unprofessional plumber' qualification, for those chaps fitting uphill drains and air locking hot water pipes.

    Nearer London someone would be renting that void out as another room.

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