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Extra Low Voltage (ELV)

Former Community Member
Former Community Member

BS7671:2018 is classing cables extra low voltage (ELV) as an operating voltage not exceeding 50Vac or 120V ripple-free dc.

BS7671 goes on to further
categorize ELV cables into SELV, PELV, FELV.

For single core green/yellow insulated equipotential bonding cables lets say originating from an earth bar and bonding some structural steel work, are these classed as FELV under BS7671:2018 ?

  • I read a comment that it is possible to have earthed SELV, which is not possible as it ceases to be SELV and becomes FELV.

    If it's SELV in all respects other than being connected to Earth then it's more likely to be PELV rather than FELV.

      - Andy.

  • I read a comment that it is possible to have earthed SELV, which is not possible as it ceases to be SELV and becomes FELV.

    If it's SELV in all respects other than being connected to Earth then it's more likely to be PELV rather than FELV.

      - Andy.
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