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5 second disconnection times

Hi all

Something that I have always wondered about since I started doing electrical work.

The 0.4 and 5 second disconnection times. 0.4 makes sense as it is quick.

However 5 seconds still seems a long time for exposed conductive parts to remain live. When I first started, lighting circuits had a 5s time.

Now it's 0.4 for all circuits feeding socket outlets up to 63A but only for fixed equipment up to 32A. So any equipment over 32A can be 5s.

The reason given in collage was that it was portable equipment that can be picked up and gripped but fixed equipment can be pulled away from.

Previously, in 16th ed regs, the 0.4 was for socket outlets and circuits supplying equipment that can be hand held.

However, 5 seconds still seems a long time for exposed metalwork to be live. I know with a low impedance earth the voltage will be lower, but still.

The other thing is that even a distribution circuit that can have 5s dis time, on an earth fault, say in an armoured cable, all earthed metalwork can be live for the full 5 seconds, even hand held equipment on circuits with a 0.4s dis time. I realise that if the fault was on the actual item of equipment itself the voltage would be higher.

Any equipment, though, above 32A can still have a 5s dis time. I come across fixed equipment all the time that is above 32A. This equipment quite often has parts of it that can actually be gripped. When the body has electricity passing though it the muscles contract so it may be hard to pull away.

I've seen a video of three men pushing a tower hitting an overhead HV line. all three dropped down but their hands still gripped the scaffold poles.

I know were dealing with LV but the muscles still react the same.

Even showers could once have a 5s dis time and the only thing that has changed that is the regs for RCDs in rooms containing a bath or shower. It's still on a circuit that, without the RCD, allows 5s.

The fact that the regs have tightened up of what circuits can have 5s dis times shows that there is still a danger on 5s. Otherwise, why change them to 0.4s.

Any thoughts?

  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    Has nothing to do with bonding, equal potential, practicality, fire only mitigation or any such compromises. It comes from the fact the supply transformer (or generator) is not an infinite source. Fault current will always pull down the voltage at the spades of the transformer in varying degrees. As such normal Uo will not be present at the source during a fault resulting in a lower voltage to remote earth at the midpoint of the resistive divider than is otherwise being assumed.

    1.5, 2.5 and 4mm2 circuits present more impedance (lower current draw) than a 50mm2 circuits. Assuming equal live and earth in both cases the prior results in only a slight dip at the source (185 volts) leading to 92 volts to remote earth, while the latter results in a very large dip (80 volts) leading to 40 volts to remote earth. 

    When looking at these voltages in relation to time, they align perfectly with the IEC body graph with room to spare.

  • Former Community Member
    0 Former Community Member
    Has nothing to do with bonding, equal potential, practicality, fire only mitigation or any such compromises. It comes from the fact the supply transformer (or generator) is not an infinite source. Fault current will always pull down the voltage at the spades of the transformer in varying degrees. As such normal Uo will not be present at the source during a fault resulting in a lower voltage to remote earth at the midpoint of the resistive divider than is otherwise being assumed.

    1.5, 2.5 and 4mm2 circuits present more impedance (lower current draw) than a 50mm2 circuits. Assuming equal live and earth in both cases the prior results in only a slight dip at the source (185 volts) leading to 92 volts to remote earth, while the latter results in a very large dip (80 volts) leading to 40 volts to remote earth. 

    When looking at these voltages in relation to time, they align perfectly with the IEC body graph with room to spare.

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