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First look in substation

Just before all the self isolation and not being closer  than 6 foot to anyone else I had a chat with a couple of DNO engineers who were doing insulation tests on the  HV cables going to/from a sustation at the end of the road the 11Kv cables are tested at 15 Kv to Earth not sure if they used AC or DC. Another thing was the that I never realised just how big the fuse holders for the outgoing LV cables are I asked what size the fuses were and they told me they were 400 amps. I was just being nosey but it's interesting to me to see just where my juice comes from which is a rather scruffy 500 KVA transformer

  • OMS:

    Lisa Miles:

    Roger Bryant:

     The syndrome is somewhat different in males and females and is rarely diagnosed in girls. 


    I wonder if autism in women is much harder to recognise perhaps because we are 'hard wired' to be more nurturing, compassionate, emphatic and more in tune with emotions? So because we instinctively display all of those traits, it's more difficult to diagnose?  mad as a box of frogs, anyway


    FOC - I just took the phone call from the 1980's 


    You're braver than me OMS I was going to say that my wife is definitely hard wired to be emphatic but I wasn't sure about the rest but I was scared the thought police would come after me.



  • OMS:

    Lisa Miles:

    Roger Bryant:

     The syndrome is somewhat different in males and females and is rarely diagnosed in girls. 


    I wonder if autism in women is much harder to recognise perhaps because we are 'hard wired' to be more nurturing, compassionate, emphatic and more in tune with emotions? So because we instinctively display all of those traits, it's more difficult to diagnose?  mad as a box of frogs, anyway


    FOC - I just took the phone call from the 1980's 


    You're braver than me OMS I was going to say that my wife is definitely hard wired to be emphatic but I wasn't sure about the rest but I was scared the thought police would come after me.


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