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TNCS Condition


Perhaps you can shed some light on this condition for TNCS systems in the Irish Rules. I can only see that as RE decreases RB becomes more onerous but to be honest I am not really getting the essence.
  • Ah, thank-you Nathaniel - that makes a lot more sense!

    I guess for situations like a private supply or local generator it could be the sort of thing you could control.

    I'm still a little puzzled by the supply network operator is responsible for compliance with that formula in Germany - how would they know a value for a Re (which is presumably on consumer premises). Do they just think of a number (based on their preference for Rb) and tell consumers they must comply with it?

       - Andy.
  • Ah, thank-you Nathaniel - that makes a lot more sense!

    I guess for situations like a private supply or local generator it could be the sort of thing you could control.

    I'm still a little puzzled by the supply network operator is responsible for compliance with that formula in Germany - how would they know a value for a Re (which is presumably on consumer premises). Do they just think of a number (based on their preference for Rb) and tell consumers they must comply with it?

       - Andy.
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