If you consider that we have plug-in petrol hybrids, which also have to meet the standard, then, just like with aircraft (even though aviation kerosene is normally only explosive in vapour form) avoidance of static is seen as important, through earthing the fixed electrical ground power, and also providing static discharge for a tending bowser. Earthing is even required for the topologies of Mode 4 rapid chargers that include electrical separation (see Annex K of the 4th Ed of the IET CoP for EV Charging Equipment Installation).
In addition, there is a requirement to install EV charging in the curtilage of petrol filling stations. Avoidance of static is important there too.
If you consider that we have plug-in petrol hybrids, which also have to meet the standard, then, just like with aircraft (even though aviation kerosene is normally only explosive in vapour form) avoidance of static is seen as important, through earthing the fixed electrical ground power, and also providing static discharge for a tending bowser. Earthing is even required for the topologies of Mode 4 rapid chargers that include electrical separation (see Annex K of the 4th Ed of the IET CoP for EV Charging Equipment Installation).
In addition, there is a requirement to install EV charging in the curtilage of petrol filling stations. Avoidance of static is important there too.
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