So, at a friend's house there is a 6 mm^2 bond to an up-and-over garage door, fitted so far as I can tell when the house was built in 1990. I would expect all the houses on this estate to have them though I haven't checked. Now would anyone like to argue that the risk associated with this large metallic surface with a conductive handle, touched regularly whilst standing on the driveway and connected to a PME-labelled earth terminal is significantly different to the car plugged in on the driveway?
So, at a friend's house there is a 6 mm^2 bond to an up-and-over garage door, fitted so far as I can tell when the house was built in 1990. I would expect all the houses on this estate to have them though I haven't checked. Now would anyone like to argue that the risk associated with this large metallic surface with a conductive handle, touched regularly whilst standing on the driveway and connected to a PME-labelled earth terminal is significantly different to the car plugged in on the driveway?
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