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Caravan RCD trip power connections

Dear all , a holiday question

I have an acquaintance who asks why his IET 18th Edition RCD tester when plugs it in to the Local RCD (<30mA/300mS) , the primary supply RCD trips (that is further up the AC supply line) , rather than the caravan’s, so in effect nullifying the test.

Is this because the Primary Supply RCD  is monitoring a small standing current from other connections and the Local RCD needs to be tested by using the Local Earth at the unit ? ( which is not so easily accessible). 

Are there any other thoughts please ? 

Paul , Swindon LN IET. 

  • As with all live testing precautions need to be taken, PAT RCD testing of portable RCD devices can be undertaken of a controlled basis, but you really need to be ensuring you have completed all the appropriate dead tests before moving onto any live tests, particularly insulation testing, with a caravan or any other installation you need to be working from the intake or power supply with the final circuits isolated. Normally you should always do a loop test before testing a RCD.

    The issues arise when you have to decide if you are going to remove the cover of the consumer unit within a caravan to test the RCD or just plug into a handy socket. If unsure what to do it would be best to put the RCD tester away and just press the test button, but even just pressing the test button can fire the upfront RCD off.

    I take the point that Graham has raised about introducing a TNCS earth to a caravan, even just for testing.

     Andy B.

  • As with all live testing precautions need to be taken, PAT RCD testing of portable RCD devices can be undertaken of a controlled basis, but you really need to be ensuring you have completed all the appropriate dead tests before moving onto any live tests, particularly insulation testing, with a caravan or any other installation you need to be working from the intake or power supply with the final circuits isolated. Normally you should always do a loop test before testing a RCD.

    The issues arise when you have to decide if you are going to remove the cover of the consumer unit within a caravan to test the RCD or just plug into a handy socket. If unsure what to do it would be best to put the RCD tester away and just press the test button, but even just pressing the test button can fire the upfront RCD off.

    I take the point that Graham has raised about introducing a TNCS earth to a caravan, even just for testing.

     Andy B.

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