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New EICR "unsatisfactory" - complete rewire required?!?

Former Community Member
Former Community Member
The lighting circuit has no CPC (earth), this is not uncommon in older houses. For that reason all light fittings are Class 2 i.e. plastic with no metal, and there is a clause in the tenancy agreement which forbids tampering with the light fittings (this is a house we own and rent out).

Previous EICRs did not even mention the lighting circuit because of the Class 2 fittings. I have just got a new EICR with an observation "lighting circuits have little or no earth" and classification code C1 ("Danger present, risk of injury, immediate remedial action required"). The overall assessment says "Unsatisfactory" with the comment "Needs updating to current regs". This can only be fixed by a complete rewire of the whole lighting circuit.

This is pointless, there are no earth connections in the plastic fittings.

Any thoughts? Many thanks.
  • As I said above, it is bad law. I am sure the government consulted someone as to the content, but that body did not properly analyse the difficulties of the current wording. As far as I know the IET was not consulted, although one might expect that they should have been. The sitting tenant thing will continue to happen, as various editions of BS7671 pass, and this probably needs specific wording in BS7671 to deal with the retrospective nature of such changes,, in a more robust way than the present words.
  • As I said above, it is bad law. I am sure the government consulted someone as to the content, but that body did not properly analyse the difficulties of the current wording. As far as I know the IET was not consulted, although one might expect that they should have been. The sitting tenant thing will continue to happen, as various editions of BS7671 pass, and this probably needs specific wording in BS7671 to deal with the retrospective nature of such changes,, in a more robust way than the present words.
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