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New EICR "unsatisfactory" - complete rewire required?!?

Former Community Member
Former Community Member
The lighting circuit has no CPC (earth), this is not uncommon in older houses. For that reason all light fittings are Class 2 i.e. plastic with no metal, and there is a clause in the tenancy agreement which forbids tampering with the light fittings (this is a house we own and rent out).

Previous EICRs did not even mention the lighting circuit because of the Class 2 fittings. I have just got a new EICR with an observation "lighting circuits have little or no earth" and classification code C1 ("Danger present, risk of injury, immediate remedial action required"). The overall assessment says "Unsatisfactory" with the comment "Needs updating to current regs". This can only be fixed by a complete rewire of the whole lighting circuit.

This is pointless, there are no earth connections in the plastic fittings.

Any thoughts? Many thanks.
  • There are 2 questions,

    1)it is it safe?


    2)Is it legal in rented property after 2020 ?

    I still have a feeling that it is perfectly safe although it sounds pretty dated - wooden back boxes must make it the very early days of PVC, or an out of date electrician, it is something I associate with rubber cables and a general sense of disappointment.

      I say this is safe  as I think we have RCD cover on the circuits and no class 1 parts.

    So for the last however many inspections, it probably should have been flagged ups as  what we now call C3, namely - improvement recommended, not an immediate danger.

    But is it legal ? - tricky - especially now it has in effect been condemned.  It is almost worth asking for a second inspection, as if that had been a C3, I suspect this post would not have been written, and it would have stayed as it was until next time.

    As a complicating factor when dating installations, for some time after T and E was made with a CPC built in, as the common ceiling roses and so on had no where to put it, quite often the core just got cut back, so a meter test will show an open circuit, if the supply comes via an old fitting, but inspection in the CU and at the load end may show a CPC. And in a pre-internet era, changes to regs and common practice took far longer to reach the folk doing the job. I now know the chap I helped in the 1980s was several years behind in what the regs of the day would have required in terms of earthing,  live working RCDs, testing...


  • There are 2 questions,

    1)it is it safe?


    2)Is it legal in rented property after 2020 ?

    I still have a feeling that it is perfectly safe although it sounds pretty dated - wooden back boxes must make it the very early days of PVC, or an out of date electrician, it is something I associate with rubber cables and a general sense of disappointment.

      I say this is safe  as I think we have RCD cover on the circuits and no class 1 parts.

    So for the last however many inspections, it probably should have been flagged ups as  what we now call C3, namely - improvement recommended, not an immediate danger.

    But is it legal ? - tricky - especially now it has in effect been condemned.  It is almost worth asking for a second inspection, as if that had been a C3, I suspect this post would not have been written, and it would have stayed as it was until next time.

    As a complicating factor when dating installations, for some time after T and E was made with a CPC built in, as the common ceiling roses and so on had no where to put it, quite often the core just got cut back, so a meter test will show an open circuit, if the supply comes via an old fitting, but inspection in the CU and at the load end may show a CPC. And in a pre-internet era, changes to regs and common practice took far longer to reach the folk doing the job. I now know the chap I helped in the 1980s was several years behind in what the regs of the day would have required in terms of earthing,  live working RCDs, testing...


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