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In response to the suggestion of separate threads for individual changes to the 18th I thought I would start this one for AFDDs.

So what are the forum members views on the new requirement for AFDDs?

What is the safety case for the change? E.g impact on public safety, fires etc.Evidence?

What is the impact on the installation industry? How easy to fit, cost advantages disadvantages etc?

Will you feedback to the BSI on the changes and what will you say?

  • So, I was sitting on the settee last night typing up my last comment and my wife enquired what is the hot topic of this forum at the moment, is it something interesting?

    So I gave her quick description of the proposal to make AFDD obligatory and showed her the pricing of the consumer unit components using the Screwfix catalogue, making a comparison in costs between the CU on offer on the flyer packed with the catalogue and what  CU part loaded with AFDD will cost.

    My wife said it will just stop people upgrading their existing fuse boards and consumer units to current standards as they will not be prepared to pay the cost, assuming they actually have the means of paying anyway.

    There are millions of fuse boards and consumer units in UK electrical installations that need replacing, if this proposal goes through it will be to the detriment of electrical safety, If it is the manufacturers pushing it through it could actually backfire on them and completely stall their sales, as there may not be the opportunity to dump the last remaining stock of existing CUs and devices on the market before the change.

    So my wife was not convinced it is a good idea and it’s not something she would want to spend our money on, I would have to work hard to try and convince her, but after being together for forty years I know it would not be something I could win her over to without better reasons than I can argue over at this time.

     Andy B.

  • So, I was sitting on the settee last night typing up my last comment and my wife enquired what is the hot topic of this forum at the moment, is it something interesting?

    So I gave her quick description of the proposal to make AFDD obligatory and showed her the pricing of the consumer unit components using the Screwfix catalogue, making a comparison in costs between the CU on offer on the flyer packed with the catalogue and what  CU part loaded with AFDD will cost.

    My wife said it will just stop people upgrading their existing fuse boards and consumer units to current standards as they will not be prepared to pay the cost, assuming they actually have the means of paying anyway.

    There are millions of fuse boards and consumer units in UK electrical installations that need replacing, if this proposal goes through it will be to the detriment of electrical safety, If it is the manufacturers pushing it through it could actually backfire on them and completely stall their sales, as there may not be the opportunity to dump the last remaining stock of existing CUs and devices on the market before the change.

    So my wife was not convinced it is a good idea and it’s not something she would want to spend our money on, I would have to work hard to try and convince her, but after being together for forty years I know it would not be something I could win her over to without better reasons than I can argue over at this time.

     Andy B.

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