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In response to the suggestion of separate threads for individual changes to the 18th I thought I would start this one for AFDDs.

So what are the forum members views on the new requirement for AFDDs?

What is the safety case for the change? E.g impact on public safety, fires etc.Evidence?

What is the impact on the installation industry? How easy to fit, cost advantages disadvantages etc?

Will you feedback to the BSI on the changes and what will you say?

  • Nip over to the Hager Irish website and they are promoting Vega distribution boards with plastic enclosures and up to four rows of devices with 72 mods available, their AFDD are two mod, so that leaves more than enough space.

    Are we going to see a major shift next April with manufacturers promoting European style distribution boards made in steel for the UK market with updated capacity of some devices to suit 100 amp installations with 32 amp socket circuits?

    Or will we get more cobbled together consumer units?

    Andy Betteridge
  • Nip over to the Hager Irish website and they are promoting Vega distribution boards with plastic enclosures and up to four rows of devices with 72 mods available, their AFDD are two mod, so that leaves more than enough space.

    Are we going to see a major shift next April with manufacturers promoting European style distribution boards made in steel for the UK market with updated capacity of some devices to suit 100 amp installations with 32 amp socket circuits?

    Or will we get more cobbled together consumer units?

    Andy Betteridge
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