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In response to the suggestion of separate threads for individual changes to the 18th I thought I would start this one for AFDDs.

So what are the forum members views on the new requirement for AFDDs?

What is the safety case for the change? E.g impact on public safety, fires etc.Evidence?

What is the impact on the installation industry? How easy to fit, cost advantages disadvantages etc?

Will you feedback to the BSI on the changes and what will you say?

  • I think it is the Coronavirus lockdown and everything that goes with it, but whatever it is everyone seems to have lost the will to argue the toss about Amd 3.

    It could however be that without any opinions or arguments put forward by people who think the amendments are a good idea it is hard to actually have a discussion.

    Andy Betteridge
  • I think it is the Coronavirus lockdown and everything that goes with it, but whatever it is everyone seems to have lost the will to argue the toss about Amd 3.

    It could however be that without any opinions or arguments put forward by people who think the amendments are a good idea it is hard to actually have a discussion.

    Andy Betteridge
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