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Unintended consequences and Amd 2

There seem to be many unintended consequences generated by the Amd 2 DPC. I wonder why it is US who sees them and not JPEL/64? Is it the lack of experience of JPEL/64 or is it something else?
  • gkenyon:

    If we are not careful, this thread will have (if not already) the unintended consequence of breaching a couple of the Rules of Conduct

    Will it?  How so?  Calling out problems is the first step to solving them.  I note rule 9.  Which rules are you referring to?

  • gkenyon:

    If we are not careful, this thread will have (if not already) the unintended consequence of breaching a couple of the Rules of Conduct

    Will it?  How so?  Calling out problems is the first step to solving them.  I note rule 9.  Which rules are you referring to?

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