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Unintended consequences and Amd 2

There seem to be many unintended consequences generated by the Amd 2 DPC. I wonder why it is US who sees them and not JPEL/64? Is it the lack of experience of JPEL/64 or is it something else?
  • gkenyon:

    3 and 13 ... so we need to be careful how this discussion goes.

    No need to assert others have a lack of experience, for example.

    The DPC is a "draft for public comment" - not a "draft for persistent complaint" - provide constructive comment and informed argument if there's something that doesn't sit right. More importantly, provide a suggestion of what you'd like to see a particular Regulation say, and how you think things should work..

    To assist the discussion, I will have a go at the list:

    1. A vast increase in the costs of all electrical installations.
    I guess this is about AFDDs. That was the argument against RCDs for a long time. Is there a stack of evidence against the introduction?


    I'm not so convinced about rule 3 and 13 applying to this thread but there's nothing wrong with being careful.

    It's not my list but I'll comment to your response to item 1.  Yes, a small but noteworthy one.  I have also contributed to the DPC comments process.  I shall PM you. 

  • gkenyon:

    3 and 13 ... so we need to be careful how this discussion goes.

    No need to assert others have a lack of experience, for example.

    The DPC is a "draft for public comment" - not a "draft for persistent complaint" - provide constructive comment and informed argument if there's something that doesn't sit right. More importantly, provide a suggestion of what you'd like to see a particular Regulation say, and how you think things should work..

    To assist the discussion, I will have a go at the list:

    1. A vast increase in the costs of all electrical installations.
    I guess this is about AFDDs. That was the argument against RCDs for a long time. Is there a stack of evidence against the introduction?


    I'm not so convinced about rule 3 and 13 applying to this thread but there's nothing wrong with being careful.

    It's not my list but I'll comment to your response to item 1.  Yes, a small but noteworthy one.  I have also contributed to the DPC comments process.  I shall PM you. 

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