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Unintended consequences and Amd 2

There seem to be many unintended consequences generated by the Amd 2 DPC. I wonder why it is US who sees them and not JPEL/64? Is it the lack of experience of JPEL/64 or is it something else?
  • The legislative system is very good at updating and consequential amendments.

    I'm not so sure. The ESQCR seems to be stuck on the unamended 17th Ed (last amended 2009 as far as I can tell),

    The latest version of AD-P seems to refer to the 17th+AMD 1.

    and of course the The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020 relies on the vanilla 18th Ed.

    While I understand the desire for 'non ambulatory' legislation, I think it could have been handled better. Say have one item of legislation which did nothing but specify which version of the wiring regs the law required, then have everything else refer to that. Then when there are updates only simple single change to one item of legislation would be required and everything would automatically remain consistent.

      -  Andy.

  • The legislative system is very good at updating and consequential amendments.

    I'm not so sure. The ESQCR seems to be stuck on the unamended 17th Ed (last amended 2009 as far as I can tell),

    The latest version of AD-P seems to refer to the 17th+AMD 1.

    and of course the The Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020 relies on the vanilla 18th Ed.

    While I understand the desire for 'non ambulatory' legislation, I think it could have been handled better. Say have one item of legislation which did nothing but specify which version of the wiring regs the law required, then have everything else refer to that. Then when there are updates only simple single change to one item of legislation would be required and everything would automatically remain consistent.

      -  Andy.

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