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Wago’s / conductor preparation


I find myself using the lever 221 wago’s more and more now mainly for lighting circuits but have a question regarding conductor preparation prior to insertion in the wago once the required amount of insulation is stripped off. A solid conductor seems to just go straight in but do you twist a stranded cable and a flexible cable or put them in untwisted? I can’t find any guidance on the box or on the wago website. What do other users of these great little inventions do with them?


  • For things like lighting flex and so on I agree, if you do not give the tails a quick twist afte stripping it 'hegehogs' horribly and may end up hanging by a thread or two.

    (I once had a semi-automatic wire stripper that put in a beautiful twist as it pulled the insulation off, but who borrowed it I cannot recall,  and I've not seen one like it for years)

    Or if you know that it will need to be be undone repeatably for some reason (I (mis)use the lever type wagos for bench testing a lot, so if there are 100 of something to be rapidly energised and then removed again..) I'd use a bootlace ferrules and crimp, but for permanent installation that rather undoes all the advantages of the small size and 'no tools' installation.
  • For things like lighting flex and so on I agree, if you do not give the tails a quick twist afte stripping it 'hegehogs' horribly and may end up hanging by a thread or two.

    (I once had a semi-automatic wire stripper that put in a beautiful twist as it pulled the insulation off, but who borrowed it I cannot recall,  and I've not seen one like it for years)

    Or if you know that it will need to be be undone repeatably for some reason (I (mis)use the lever type wagos for bench testing a lot, so if there are 100 of something to be rapidly energised and then removed again..) I'd use a bootlace ferrules and crimp, but for permanent installation that rather undoes all the advantages of the small size and 'no tools' installation.
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