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New gas meter installed

I thought some of you might find this interesting. For reference, its TN-S and the intake is to the left, water comes in on the right and the earth bond doesn't go any further.

the new gas meter was fitted today and left like this

  • Odd. I guess the original was looped on the gas service pipe, then to consumer pipe and then to water, an all in one Gas/water.

    They must have left in a hurry [NHS App started alerting!!] or the fitter had some kind of objection to connections being on the service pipe and was just plain nuts.
  • Odd. I guess the original was looped on the gas service pipe, then to consumer pipe and then to water, an all in one Gas/water.

    They must have left in a hurry [NHS App started alerting!!] or the fitter had some kind of objection to connections being on the service pipe and was just plain nuts.
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