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Radial Circuit for sockets and lights and in general

Former Community Member
Former Community Member
I was interested in gaining a better understanding of what is and isn’t allowed here in the UK under radial circuits. Specifically, if one wanted to add Schuko or Type F (or French variant of Type E) of plugs into the mix.

  I understand that we can have a radial circuit with a 20amp MCB, but most here advise to install a 16amp MCB.

I saw the posts by some advising that you can install European standards in a home as they can be invoking ‘invoke directive HD384’.

While I appreciate, we do things differently I wondered why no one (if it is allowed or not) then installs a small circuit with plugs and lights on the same circuit as opposed to separating each lighting and socket.  Is this at all possible?

Personally, I did install a couple of Type E plugs from Schneider (not the German ones ) as I have some German friends who come and for the same reason the previous posts mention they are better than travel adapters (and they also allow me to use the steam cleaner we obtained from Germany without changing the plug).  They are on a solitary 20amp MCB in a small radial but themselves.  I did use NYM-J 2,5x3 also

  • mapj1:

    That might have been me - I put a Schucko socket in a downstairs bathroom to VDE 100 part 11, much to the joy of my local building control, when the ink was barely dry on part P. I later found that this had rattled all the way back to the office of John Prescott before approval, as they were not too sure what to do with it. I suspect most normal sparks would rather not do that.

    Since then the approved doc has been revised and the requirements in the UK for notification relaxed somewhat.

    (and all mention of HD384 has gone - I suspect with Brexit it is becoming a bit moot anyway )

    More on what an HD is here  '384 defines the goals of IEC 60364, which is in turn more or less adapted to create BS7671 in the UK, or VDE standard or french norms or greek Elots or whatever.

    The early part P used to say 


    0.2 A way of satisfying the fundamental principles would be to follow:

    a. the technical rules described in the body of BS 7671: 2001, or an equivalent standard approved by a

    member of the EEA that includes issuing an electrical installation certificate to the person ordering the


    (The EEA, or European Economic Area comprises the EU and EFTA. The full scope is:


    That boat has sailed ?
  • mapj1:

    That might have been me - I put a Schucko socket in a downstairs bathroom to VDE 100 part 11, much to the joy of my local building control, when the ink was barely dry on part P. I later found that this had rattled all the way back to the office of John Prescott before approval, as they were not too sure what to do with it. I suspect most normal sparks would rather not do that.

    Since then the approved doc has been revised and the requirements in the UK for notification relaxed somewhat.

    (and all mention of HD384 has gone - I suspect with Brexit it is becoming a bit moot anyway )

    More on what an HD is here  '384 defines the goals of IEC 60364, which is in turn more or less adapted to create BS7671 in the UK, or VDE standard or french norms or greek Elots or whatever.

    The early part P used to say 


    0.2 A way of satisfying the fundamental principles would be to follow:

    a. the technical rules described in the body of BS 7671: 2001, or an equivalent standard approved by a

    member of the EEA that includes issuing an electrical installation certificate to the person ordering the


    (The EEA, or European Economic Area comprises the EU and EFTA. The full scope is:


    That boat has sailed ?
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