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Use of Old Serviceable M.E.M. switches and Switch Fuses.

Evenin' all,

 I have access to old unused or used but in good as new serviceable condition, metal clad M.E.M. switches and switch fuses, 15 to 32 Amp mainly.  You know the type, popular during the 60s to 80s. Battle ship grey painted, heavily chromed switch  handles, rewirable of H.R.C. fuse carriers. Some have ceramic innards. Very good contact distance clearance and good positive action upon switching.

Can I use them in new installations thus saving money and recycling materials?


  • In my view, yes you can re-use the items in your own home, or in  "mates rates" jobs for friends, family, or good causes.

    For an ordinary customer paying the going rate, then it is less clear IMHO. The old but unused ones could perhaps be used, they do not have a shelf life or expiry date, and are still "new" even if held in your stock or your suppliers stock for longer than normal.

    The used ones should not in my view be re used for a paying customer, except with the specific agreement of the customer.
  • In my view, yes you can re-use the items in your own home, or in  "mates rates" jobs for friends, family, or good causes.

    For an ordinary customer paying the going rate, then it is less clear IMHO. The old but unused ones could perhaps be used, they do not have a shelf life or expiry date, and are still "new" even if held in your stock or your suppliers stock for longer than normal.

    The used ones should not in my view be re used for a paying customer, except with the specific agreement of the customer.
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