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Emergency Escape Route Lighting.

Subject: Emergency light over spiral stairs.

A first floor flat has an external spiral steel stairway from the ground to the entrance door. The door opens onto a small platform at the top of the spiral stairway. The flat is to be let.

Would you install an emergency escape light over the door at high level, or half way down from the top of the door to one side of the door, say at eye level,  or at a low level just above the platform. The third option also benefits another escape route from the main house at ground level and illuminates the spiral stairs somewhat.

Note. The sides of the spiral stairs are open except for well spaced spindles. Light can get through the sides.

  • Bit Like a "Commitee" situation Zoom.

    Insist they nominate one person for you to deal with.

    Boss of aPlumbing/Heating firm taught me years ago the one person trick he learned from working mens clubs "you`ll always get one clever devil who thinks he knows everything but in reality he knows nowt! you also tend to get others all adding their own tenpeno`th too " he said
  • Bit Like a "Commitee" situation Zoom.

    Insist they nominate one person for you to deal with.

    Boss of aPlumbing/Heating firm taught me years ago the one person trick he learned from working mens clubs "you`ll always get one clever devil who thinks he knows everything but in reality he knows nowt! you also tend to get others all adding their own tenpeno`th too " he said
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