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RCD on final circuit for extractor fans in toilets?

Former Community Member
Former Community Member
The wiring  will be run via steel conduits and fused connection units will also be used. Since they are fixed equipment, do they really need RCD protection?

Not domestic settings, more commercial and pubic space.

Thoughts on putting RCD extractor fans in toilets.



  • regs wise bathrooms. pools  and showers are special, WCs and hand basins are not. So unless the supply is TT, given the cable is protected as you indicate, then an RCD is not mandated.

    That said, the environment of the public loo, especially the sort that is open all night, may be more hostile than most, and if you think it is the kind of location where it is likely that things will be vandalised, or covers removed and lights stolen then an RCD or RCBO cover for almost everything starts to look prudent.

  • regs wise bathrooms. pools  and showers are special, WCs and hand basins are not. So unless the supply is TT, given the cable is protected as you indicate, then an RCD is not mandated.

    That said, the environment of the public loo, especially the sort that is open all night, may be more hostile than most, and if you think it is the kind of location where it is likely that things will be vandalised, or covers removed and lights stolen then an RCD or RCBO cover for almost everything starts to look prudent.

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