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NICEIC consumer unit labels

Former Community Member
Former Community Member

I am looking to add some labels similar to the NICEC one bellow prior to my Napit assessment and I am unsure what value is expected in the box for maximum disconnect time.

Does any one know if it should be Circuit breaker disconnect time, *1 or *5 time for the RCD?

Also for the box for type of wiring I assume they are looking for T+E, SGL, SWA etc.




  • And For type of wiring - most forms I've seen use the following:

    A - is for PVC/PVC such as twin and earth

    B - PVC cables in metalic conduit

    C - PVC Cables in non metalic conduit

    D - PVC cables in metalic Trunking

    E - PVC cables in non-metalic Trunking

    F - PVC SWA Cables

    G - XLPE SWA Cable

    H - Mineral Insulated Cables

    O - Other (I usually put BS8436 Cables here or FP, which is similar and my software allows a space to input what "O" cable is)

  • And For type of wiring - most forms I've seen use the following:

    A - is for PVC/PVC such as twin and earth

    B - PVC cables in metalic conduit

    C - PVC Cables in non metalic conduit

    D - PVC cables in metalic Trunking

    E - PVC cables in non-metalic Trunking

    F - PVC SWA Cables

    G - XLPE SWA Cable

    H - Mineral Insulated Cables

    O - Other (I usually put BS8436 Cables here or FP, which is similar and my software allows a space to input what "O" cable is)

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