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NICEIC consumer unit labels

Former Community Member
Former Community Member

I am looking to add some labels similar to the NICEC one bellow prior to my Napit assessment and I am unsure what value is expected in the box for maximum disconnect time.

Does any one know if it should be Circuit breaker disconnect time, *1 or *5 time for the RCD?

Also for the box for type of wiring I assume they are looking for T+E, SGL, SWA etc.




  • oh yes, domestically I'd go so far as to say round here its rare enough that the one that says "upstairs lights" in felt tip actually relates to lights on either of the breakers nearest to the label, its almost as likely to be written next to conservatory sockets or something..

    Commercial tends to be better. Usually.

  • oh yes, domestically I'd go so far as to say round here its rare enough that the one that says "upstairs lights" in felt tip actually relates to lights on either of the breakers nearest to the label, its almost as likely to be written next to conservatory sockets or something..

    Commercial tends to be better. Usually.

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