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IEC 60364 Table 48A

Former Community Member
Former Community Member
Does anyone know where I can find table 48A? I am reading of its existence, but don't know where to find it.
  • And finally, we've openly permitted RCDs to deal with disconnection time not only in the UK, but also in CENELEC countries, and across IEC, for many years - at least 13 years now in the UK with current wording, but even further back in time being realistic, as there was a sort of "permissive" approach towards RCDs for automatic disconnection towards the later 16th Edition of the Wiring Regulations (BS 7671:2001 and perhaps earlier).

    Is there any evidence that modern RCDs are failing to provide the protective function?
  • And finally, we've openly permitted RCDs to deal with disconnection time not only in the UK, but also in CENELEC countries, and across IEC, for many years - at least 13 years now in the UK with current wording, but even further back in time being realistic, as there was a sort of "permissive" approach towards RCDs for automatic disconnection towards the later 16th Edition of the Wiring Regulations (BS 7671:2001 and perhaps earlier).

    Is there any evidence that modern RCDs are failing to provide the protective function?
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