Simon Barker:
According to the IET, .
No, according to BS 7671 which is not simply "the IET" - see the front of the publication for the constitution of JPEL/64, the committee that is responsible for BS 7671.
you are only supposed to put your 13A plug into a socket that's marked "EV" on the back. Yes, it's really supposed to be marked on the back of the socket, where you can't see it. It's a ridiculous rule. Nobody is responsible for enforcing it, nobody can enforce it, and most people won't even know that the rule exists.
Simon Barker:
According to the IET, .
No, according to BS 7671 which is not simply "the IET" - see the front of the publication for the constitution of JPEL/64, the committee that is responsible for BS 7671.
you are only supposed to put your 13A plug into a socket that's marked "EV" on the back. Yes, it's really supposed to be marked on the back of the socket, where you can't see it. It's a ridiculous rule. Nobody is responsible for enforcing it, nobody can enforce it, and most people won't even know that the rule exists.
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