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Cheap Electricity

Since the weekend have noticed that our in-house display for our not-so smart meter was showing a rather low daily spend for electricity. No info for gas because the gas meter and the electricity meter don't talk to each other.

Looking through the display pages, can see that it is working on a Daily Standing Charge of £0.013p (1.3p) and a per kilowatt hour charge of 1.87p/kWh.

I wonder what our end August Bill will be? 




  • I read that earlier. I was tipped off by a friend who is sorting out his late brother's estate. I “found” HUB or Gulf as they were then, a few years ago and both their price and customer service took some beating. So passed the word around and I know of 5 people who changed to them.

    Will be interesting to see who OFGEN find to take us on.  If not to our liking will likely go to Octopus. (Or anyone with a High Power Gas Meter signal HI!   (My cousin's gas meter, like ours, lost contact with the electricity meter as well, and their's is almost line of sight across a lawn - L shaped house.)


  • I read that earlier. I was tipped off by a friend who is sorting out his late brother's estate. I “found” HUB or Gulf as they were then, a few years ago and both their price and customer service took some beating. So passed the word around and I know of 5 people who changed to them.

    Will be interesting to see who OFGEN find to take us on.  If not to our liking will likely go to Octopus. (Or anyone with a High Power Gas Meter signal HI!   (My cousin's gas meter, like ours, lost contact with the electricity meter as well, and their's is almost line of sight across a lawn - L shaped house.)


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