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Electricity meters within apartments

I am working on a multi storey residential block and proposed to located the meters within the utility cupboard in apartments. Is there a standard/ regulation for electrical meters ? I would like to understand what are the requirements in terms of location, access etc.

  • Gabriella

    I have done  plenty of designs for blocks of flats. 


    Nearly all have been with meters in the risers cupboards on each floor at the request of the client, BNO, DNO and meter operators. That way power to the flats can be isolated without needing to gain entry to the individual flats and the ability to read all the meters in one hit. Also less opportunity for meter tampering.






  • Gabriella

    I have done  plenty of designs for blocks of flats. 


    Nearly all have been with meters in the risers cupboards on each floor at the request of the client, BNO, DNO and meter operators. That way power to the flats can be isolated without needing to gain entry to the individual flats and the ability to read all the meters in one hit. Also less opportunity for meter tampering.






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