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Battery backup earthing - PME supply


I am installing a battery (Alpha ESS) to a PME system. 

The battery charges during off-peak and discharges during the day during peak hours. There is no solar. 

This relatively straight forward and will be notified to the DNO. 

The system features a back-up supply, where if the grid supply fails, a set of loads can be powered from a dedicated “backup” output on the inverter. This output is already separate from the grid input. 

The question I have is around earthing. When in normal operation the inverter is connected to the PME supply via the MET in the distribution board and the “backup” output is earthed through this connection. When the grid fails (outage, for example) my thinking is that the PME “earth” cannot be relied upon for the backup circuit (lost neutral for example). 

What would be the best course of action to resolve this situation? 

  1. Earth rod at the customer premises connected to the MET? 
  2. Rely on the manual and it’s wiring diagram? 
  3. Other? 

The inverter manual gives no indication. 


Battery Inverter Manual:

  • Some manufacturers do offer a complete solution that meets all the requirements in the UK.

    Sometimes, this can be easier than trying to effect an installation from a kit of parts.

    As we move into a situation where we have a number of “SMART” or “green energy” products and so on, all of these disparate items need to work together as a complete system.

    The setup and integration of the management systems may well be more difficult than the “electrical problems” (I use quotes here because, of course, they are only “problems” for domestic-scale installations because they are new concepts … those familiar with large infrastructure, healthcare, etc. installations will already be familiar with supply change-over and battery-backed supplies).

  • Some manufacturers do offer a complete solution that meets all the requirements in the UK.

    Sometimes, this can be easier than trying to effect an installation from a kit of parts.

    As we move into a situation where we have a number of “SMART” or “green energy” products and so on, all of these disparate items need to work together as a complete system.

    The setup and integration of the management systems may well be more difficult than the “electrical problems” (I use quotes here because, of course, they are only “problems” for domestic-scale installations because they are new concepts … those familiar with large infrastructure, healthcare, etc. installations will already be familiar with supply change-over and battery-backed supplies).

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